
Love Counts ;**

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

part 9 dedicated to Sarcastic Laugh ;*********

"What's going on, is someone being shy?" He teased since I wasn't moving at all.

"Josh, we have a problem."

"Don't tell me you're breaking up with me on our first date, ouch!" He clutched his heart and made a painful expression which made me laugh.

"No, it's not that.." I started and then paused and then I froze in my place, "Wait, Breaking up? Are we in a real relationship now?"

He looked confused, "Well...." It looked like he was a bit disappointed, "I mean, not serious... but you are my girlfriend... but if you don't wa--"

I interrupted, "No, no, I uh, I'm, wow." I giggled chinee yahil.

"So you are my girlfriend?"

"If you're my boyfriend?"

He ran a hand through his hair with his head down and looked at me up... God, it was so sexy... he smiled, his teeth white and dazzling.

He came close to me wrapped his arms around my waist and brought his face really close to mine, our foreheads were touching his smile was next to mine, I can feel his breath.

"Josh," I said while looking into his mesmerizing eyes.

"Yeah?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"I dunno how to slow dance." I said all serious.

He BURST out laughing... he looked beautiful laughing, so alive.

I playfully hit him on the arm, "I'm serious it's not funny."

"You're right it's not.." he tried to freeze his face and be serious for a bit but he couldn't, the smile went back on his face...

oo of course, it made me smile.

"Talah," Wayyy ismeee felt so special from him, "We'll have the rest of the year to perfect it. I'll teach you now."


"Yeah, why not?"

"Okay, I'm ready to learn."

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him and I put my arms around his neck.

It felt wierd.

He pulled me even closer but we still had space between us.

Ah now it feels right.

"Follow my lead."


  1. and finally you post..3endee comment 3ala tha boy in the pic... his style moo 7eloo oo sha3ra moo zaw8a...please choose
    wa7ed thanee..... bas your story 7adha etyanen oo you really know how to write!
    Good Job!!


  2. AHAHAHAHA Thaat was funny:P i don't blame him maskeen;p

  3. love;**: they are :)

    nightmare: heheh .... lool aham shay! lol.... i know, ignore the style oo chithii, imagine his face more matured oo his body more muscular oo he has peircing blue eyes! :D
    thank you sooo much!

    anon: lool :D
