
Love Counts ;**

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

part 20

part 19 is up oo 3eedkum mbarak!

For the next week, I spent my whole time with 7assan and Chloe.

Chloe by day, 7assan by night oo etc.

Hassan was constantly flirting, making me smile, and touching me bas I wasn't ready to take a step forward.

And Chloe was nice enough not to mention Josh or anything although it killed me that I didn't see him.

Until a week later, when I ran into him at a restaurant.



"Josh, is that you.. heyy, how is everything."

He looked so good in his jeans and t-shirt and his piercing blue eyes as blue and beautiful as ever.

"everything's good...umm, how about you?"

I was about to reply when an arm wraps itself around Josh's arm with a manicured hand connected to it on one side and a beautiful blond face and body on the other.

"Hi there." She greeted me, smiling this hundred watt smile.

"Hey." I said looking from her to Josh.

"Talah, this is -"

"-Sherry." She offered me her french manicured hand.

"She's my girlfriend."

"Ah, hey." I was stunned, and silenced.... what do I say to that exactly.

"Yeah, hey Talah." She looked at me blankly, like she didn't know what to say.

"Hey, that's nice! How long have you been together?" I asked.

"Well, I met him 4 weeks ago.... "

"Yeah, at a party." Josh continued.

"And he was the sweetest thing ever."

"Yeah, I know." I commented under my breath.

Pain was surging up my chest.


  1. 7aram but she was hanging out with hassan fa it's her fault!

    these are too short, not fair!
    nabi ba3ad!

  2. Nooo! I wanted to be first. :(

    my name is this is too short! update soon please
    welcome back and thank you;*

  3. WELCOME BACK!!! :****

    we miss you!! i don't usually comment but i just had to now

    more please!


  4. sha5bari love drops
    i bet no one is reading it any more
    no offense or anything
    it sux and u took way too long to update

  5. i love the story !!

    i hate tala and hassan

  6. i'm hating tala too! and hasan dash 3ar'6 shyabi hatha

  7. oh and this is too too short

  8. Anonymous: yes! she can't have both... bas she wants both ;/ ...

    i'm sorry, updates soon inshallah.

    Butterfly: 7ayatiii ;** next time inshallah! :)
    hehe inshallah
    and thank you ;**

    Love Geek: THANK YOU!! ;**

    aw miss you too!
    and thanks, comment more heheh;***
    inshallah ;) ;**

    Anonymous: sorry ;$ hopefully ppl will still read, bas i'm sorry, i know what u mean..
    the sucking part, which part of it? how should i fix it ? i'm very open to suggestions.

    Anonymous: thank you!:)
    yeah, they're kinda annoying at this point

    Anonymous: hehehe, TEAM JOSH?! :D

    Anonymous: sorry, next time longer inshallah! :)

  9. inshallah i will!



    inshallah love geek ;) :D wallah u made me laugh! :D

  12. IM LOVING UR STORY!! i LOVE everything about this story ila 7assan 6ab3an i hate him! im in LOVE with josh oo that girl ily ma3a better go die or im going to kill her!!!!
    josh oo talah = happy
    talah oo 7assan = mad
    i dont think i ever commented bess i just wanted to tell you in I LOVR YOUR STORY! so next post please and can u please make it long!!!;D

  13. dd: i know :( i'm going to post some more hopefully
    missed you too & ur story!!
    i haven't been on blogspot in forever
    i'm catching up now :D :***

    identity: omg thank you so much!!!

    looool! team josh?! :D

    yes first time i hear from you, thank you for the comment my love !! ;**

    yes inshallah! :D

  14. first time! i never commented befour shame on me!!:p bess inshallah ra7 teshbe3een min my comments!!;D akeeeeeed team josh! i love him! 3adii i borrow him for a day?(a)

  15. ANA TEAM HASSSAN!!!!!!!! heheheheh

    go hassan!! she's ur girl now gonna party like she's ur girl OH OH OH ;P

    HASSAN ALL THE WAAAAY loooooooooool

    i love josh bas like u said i love kuwaity men :P

    NO NO i love JOSH ;P so i like BOTH!!! shtabooon it's my comment!! lol

    it's my first time commenting i was one of ur anons that commented until I started my own blog check it out ;*
    tell me what u think ;**

    next please and just like identity make it longer please ;** missed u

  16. damn that must have hurt...bas inshallah 7asan ikoon a7san

  17. identity: SHAME ON YOU tsk tsk tsk. ;p lol
    YAY I CAN'T WAIT! comment away! ;) :D
    heheh, go ahead, but be sure to bring him back for Talah is missing him ;)

    licious;***: yayyy! a person on Hassan's side... for some reason it's really rare hehe
    HECK, YEAH! Kuwaiti men! Shababna! :D
    woah, lol, bipolar much? JK ;) hehe

    NO WAY!!! YAAAAAAAY!! i'll check it out now! ;**

    oo inshallah about it being longer... ;)

    oo missed you too ;**

    Anonymous : GO JOSH! :D

    Nawarii: yup, big ouch!
